Thursday, August 24, 2006

Day 3 - Stocks

Well day 3 began with us gaining one student. So now our class is the biggest they’ve had 21 students.

Tonight we made stocks. Two actually a brown stock with veal bones and a white stock with chicken bones. Now I know what you’re thinking…the beef is what makes it brown and the chicken is why it’s white – Wrong! The brown stock gets its color because we roasted the veal bones in the oven, then covered them with tomato paste (the acid) to bring out more flavor and color. The chicken is the white stock, this time, because those bones were not roasted and just started in cold water, thus no browning.

I never thought that bones roasting in the oven would smell so good.

We also got to go over to the senior class while they prepared their first full line meal – yellow and red beet salad, grilled pork chops and butter and champagne glazed potatoes and then a hot chocolate cake. The service was horrible and slow, the food pretty darn good and I can’t wait to be up there doing the same slow, horrible service with good food. It was nice to see that while we’re screwing up just dicing carrots, even the seniors are still learning. All in all they did a fantastic job. They were in front of 21 newbie students, 2 additional chefs working their butts off.

All in all a fun night. Our first real night of cooking. Tomorrow is soup night.

Until then…


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