Sunday, March 02, 2008

My Parents 50th Anniversary Party

Well the day started out cold and drizzly and unfortunately that didn't change. But it sure beats what we are having today which is very high winds.

I was literally cooking up to 3:45 and the party started at 4pm. But we planned on serving the food at 4:45 so I was good. Lucky for me I live about 9 houses away from my sisters house.

On Friday I had prepped a lot of food. My poor fridge was stuffed.


For the meatballs I decied to make a marinara sauce and serve crisyp mini garlic crostini's.



Then it was time for the meatballs.


I also did sweet and spicy shrimp and holy cow they went fast.


I also did several cheese trays, with hard cheese, brie and medium cheese. Also 8 lbs of red and green grapes were trimmed for service.


I think on that table you can also see the stuffed cherry tomaotes and deviled egges.

We also had meat trays and were just starting to put out the chicken teriyaki skewers and meatballs.


But at the every end the whole family paused for the cameras.

We had such a wonderful time and so many friends came and said some really special things about my folks. Some flew down from up north other came from Virgina and Texas.


Left to right - My daughter Laura, myself, hubby Derek behind me, my father and my mother, next to her is my sister Shannon and her husband Chris and in front of them their two boys, Trevor and Jacob.And today...well today is clean up...and I think I'm gonna order out


At 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You all look great!! Miss'n you greatly!!! Toni


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