Thursday, August 31, 2006

Day Eight - Some pictures to share

Ok this is my current partner Scott. We're making Bolognese sauce and French Onion Soup.

This is how the line looks. We have 2 students on each station. Each station holds 4. We have a total of 12 stoves that would accomodate 24 students. (We have 21) As you can see (or at least I hope you can) each station has an LCD screen so we can see what the chefs are doing.

This is Chef Rorschach. Her intensity is incredible! She has such a passion for food, but more importantly you can feel her passion for the students to learn. There is nothing that gets past this woman.

The beginning stages of my French Onion soup (which I nailed). If you like French Onion Soup from Campbells...I feel sorry for you. This is one recipe that takes a LONG time to make, but it is SO worth it.

We also made our pasta dough. This will be used to make several pasta dishes over the next 2 days. (Thur and Fri we eat!)

The key to all these dishes - start with good stock. Yes stock takes up to 24 hours to make. But if you make a big batch you can freeze it and use it all year. I bought myself one of those food saver machines that vacuum seals food. It's one of those devices I now say "how in the heck did I ever live without it?"

Chef Knight organized us a bit differently tonight and it worked out fantastically. Some who use to run all over grabbing their ingredients are now more organized. Now she has us all Mise out (to gather our ingredients and chop/slice etc) everything, clean our station. Then we cook. Whereas before it was grab ingredients, start cooking first dish, while that was cooking folks were grabbing their next set...chaos.

We got out early tonight, one of those few rare treats that I so love.

Until tomorrow :) Posted by Picasa


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